Monday, November 22, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Painting a Mural

Okay, I painted for what seemed to be hours......a mural that is supposed to look like the north wall of our dining isn't a mural; it IS our dining room! The other half of the buffet/hutch was delivered today as well as 6 chairs. I wonder when we will get the new table that goes with all of this beauty ? Here we are a couple of old farts and our half-furnished dining room looks as if actual adults might live here. Too cool and very gorgeous.
No sewing today; some knitting after the wall painting and then a big, fat cat nap ! Why is everyone so tired these days? Probably that time change.....why can't they just leave it alone ? It is almost 8:30 pm and I could cheerfully jump into my bed.....................................guess I will.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby it's cold outside

Glad I have an extra quilt to keep me warm (sorry to keep gloating about that, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it).
It is trying so hard to snow tonight.....just not quite cold enough. I'd like to knit a bit before giving up, but my fingers just feel a bit tight and creaky. I am getting old; next I will be wearing those fingerless mitts to bed !
Lovely day/night to you all.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Here I am !

I am really nervous about'd think I'd never done this before.....well, not with MY NAME and my own blog. Another grandmother jumps into the deep pond called MODERN TIMES.
I just spent many hours at Amanda's quilters' retreat; sewing and sewing.....I am a knitter and feel as if I have been cheating on my knitting by going on this retreat. I wanted to bolt and run as I felt so totally out of place among all of these smart, young, expert quilters (okay, Katie is older than I am, but she's my best friend even if she's a great quilter). Everyone kept encouraging me and I feel as if I learned a lot. I doubt I will ever be an expert, but I am having to admit that it is kind of fun.....and I can still knit and have fun doing that as well.
Well, I'd better go clean up my sewing mess and do a little artwork and then jump into my bed with my lovely new CrazyMomQuilts quilt and my prized first ever homemade-by-me pillowcase.
Sleep well.