Monday, November 15, 2010

Here I am !

I am really nervous about'd think I'd never done this before.....well, not with MY NAME and my own blog. Another grandmother jumps into the deep pond called MODERN TIMES.
I just spent many hours at Amanda's quilters' retreat; sewing and sewing.....I am a knitter and feel as if I have been cheating on my knitting by going on this retreat. I wanted to bolt and run as I felt so totally out of place among all of these smart, young, expert quilters (okay, Katie is older than I am, but she's my best friend even if she's a great quilter). Everyone kept encouraging me and I feel as if I learned a lot. I doubt I will ever be an expert, but I am having to admit that it is kind of fun.....and I can still knit and have fun doing that as well.
Well, I'd better go clean up my sewing mess and do a little artwork and then jump into my bed with my lovely new CrazyMomQuilts quilt and my prized first ever homemade-by-me pillowcase.
Sleep well.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to blogworld! i'm so glad that we got to quilt together again this year! you are doing need to be intimidated at all. just have fun with it. you do just fine!

    enjoy that quilt! :)
